Tuesday, March 14, 2006

New York, New York

Greetings from New York City…well actually Brooklyn. This is the third full day we have been here and already we have had some great adventures and some that have just been plain tiring. Saturday we had a 9 hr train ride to Penn Station and then took us another hour so trying to get to the place we are staying. It was supposed to be a straight shot but due to route changes due to construction it was not as easy…then we had to wait outside the church while we waited for the person with the key to let us in…lucky it was nice out and not freezing cold or raining. After stowing our stuff and settling in we headed down to Times Square to grab dinner (NY style Pizza) and take in the sights. While it was an interesting place it was just to many people for me, especially trying to keep track of 23 people (I was the one in the back of the group) and keep them together.

Sunday we went to the Statue of Liberty and Wall Street. It was pretty cool. I would post pictures but I am too lazy and my camera won’t sync up using USB and I don’t have the software to read the cdr w/o finalizing it, but I digress. Sunday we had our orientation on Midnight Run which I will be going with the Thursday night group. Yesterday we worked at the Food Bank distributor for NYC, with a group of students from Iowa we sorted about 15,000 pounds of food in 6 hours. We then went to the Empire State building and watched the sunset and the dusk fall over NYC…INCREDIBLE!

Today we went to a food distribution agency and helped them unload and sort food that they ordered from the Food Bank we worked at yesterday. This evening we are headed to Little Italy and Chinatown. The place we are staying at does not have shower facilities so I have been doing the “sink bath” the past couple of days. This afternoon we had the option of going to a local gym and taking a shower but I decide to save the $10 and take another sink bath.

Overall its been a good trip all around. Riding the Subway’s has been fun but I think I know what a sardine feels like now. Oh and there is a Starbucks across the street which gives me motivation to get out of bed first (so far been the first one up every morning) and get ready to go ahead of everyone else so I can get a jumpstart on the day which I really need


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