Thursday, September 18, 2008

Making The Rounds

So in the past 2 weeks I have been on 2 podcasts...yes they were comic book related

Comic Timing (episode 71)
When I was in PA I sat in with the guys who do the podcast. This was the second year I sat in and recorded with them. As always it was a blast and kinda rowdy...I am surprised we didn't get kicked out or at least warned by hotel security. If you listen you will learn what it means to be "maped." I will warn you that if you are easily offended then pass or if you are listening to it at work headphones are a must.

Raging Bullets
This past Sunday on my way back from Cleveland I recorded a segment with the guys who do the DC Fan Podcast. I have known the guys for a few years now and last time I was over in Cleveland they invited me to record with them. It was really cool to sit with them and geek out over the first 2 issues of Ambush Bug: Year Zero. It was a good time and I hope I get to do it again next time I am over that way and maybe then will have gone through the 2 months of back issues I have stacked up here.

Makes me want to do a podcast of my own

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