Sunday, April 29, 2007


So this past Friday was weird.

After the 5:30am Spinning Class at the YMCA I was leaving the excercise area when one of the trainers stopped and talked to me. Apparently on Tuesday two ladies made a fuss about the smell in the spinning class room and attributed it to my gym clothes. At the time I just listened to the guy and said that I would try and take care of the problem but the more I thought about it the more silly it sounded to me. Now granted my gym clothes might not smell the freshest but I think I was getting the raw end of the deal.

I am very conscious about my gym clothes becasue I know that going twice a day they might not always smell the freshest but I do take steps to make sure I don't offend anyone. I wear a running shirt and biking shorts when I work out and the only cloth that really retains any odor are my boxer briefs which I wear a new pair everyday. Along with this I wear also swim in the shorts I wear to workout so they get rinsed after every use (I shower before going in the pool). After I am done in the morning I spray my clothes with Frabreezs and hang the in the locker so they can dry out and be ready for my evening workout (Lockers are venilated). Now I know that this is not going to get rid of all the stinch but unlike most people I start my workout before class starts so somedays I haave worked up a good lather by the time class starts. I am sure the fact that the spinning room is a 20 X 15ish, unvenalated room has nothing to do with it also...but the thing I wanted to tell the trainer (but held my tounge) was that duh, its a freaking gym not Bath and Body works. I don't know I think it odd that I have been going for as long as I have and this is the first time something has been said, and yesmy clothes have been washed every week.

At work:
The new comissioner was on our floor introducing herself and saying hi. I was in my cube "working" and when I heard the announcement "comissioner on the floor" I closed my laptop which I sit in the window and closed the media player with Justice League cartoon playing. When she got over to my work area she saw the few (::snicker::) WV things I have up (map, flag, calander, ect) and turns out that she used to spend her vacations in Southern WV visiting family. I now have an in with the new Commish.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Superhero Workout

Every morning before work I do the 5:30 am spinning class. This morning the instructor’s workout was the “Superhero Workout.” Before we began the warmup she passed around Justice League stickers and told us to choose one and put it on our shirts. Now usually it takes me awhile to get motivated to start the workout since I get up around 4:20 am so I can get to the gym and ensure a spot in the class (only 20 bikes available) but this morning I perked up a bit when the workout theme was announced. So the sticker I chose was The Flash (unfortunately Animal Man or Question was not a choice).

At this point I was still suppressing the geek side but as the class went on I basically said screw it. I explained who Martian Manhunter and John Stewart (Green Lantern) was to the other members of the class who wondered who they were. I also had a short debate with the instructor who was ragging on Aquaman. I conceded that talking to fish is not a real superpower but that Aquaman was in fact probably one of the strongest heroes out there. I used logic that I knew she would understand and told her that Aquaman lives and fights underwater (resistance) so when he comes out of the water he is going to be really strong since there is not the resistance to hold him back (yeah I know but I had to break it down into something she could identify with). After this I decided to focus more on the workout. Songs that were actual comic reference/related in the mix were:
Superman Movie Theme
REM –Superman
Batman TV show Theme
Wonder Woman TV show them
Kryptonite: 3 Doors Down
Superman – 5 for Fighting
Aquaman – Grandpa Griffith (Funny song that can be found on iTunes)
Spiderman Cartoon theme song

During the cool down and stretch we talked about Underroos and how cool they are. Afterwards I talked briefly with the instructor and suggested next time the following songs could be used(just off the top of my head at the time):
Barenaked Ladies –One Week (Aquaman)
Superman’s Song-Crash Test Dummies
Newclues - Jam On It
Jim Croce -Don’t Mess Around with Jim –
Genesis - Land of Confusion
Spin Doctors-Jimmy Olsen’s Blues



Sunday, April 22, 2007

Reports of My Death....

So it has been about 2 months since my last posting and some might think after the last post that I had dropped dead, sorry but I am still here. I know some of you are probably disappointed but oh well.

Not much has been going on here that has been deemed blog worthy.

In March I went up to Lake George to see a friend race his '69 Corvair in the Ice Races they have up there on the frozen was cold and pretty interesting to be standing out on a frozen lake watching cars race.

After my first experience with the chest pains I had a few reoccurrances and eventually had to see a cardilologist and have a stress test. It has been 2 weeks since the stress test and have yet to hear back from the doctor so I doubt I am going to be dropping dead anytime soon.

I have still been going to the gym twice a day and have been doing the spinning clsses in the morning and evening. So basically I am up around 4:15 and at the gym by 5 since the class is very popular and there are only 20 some bikes availible.

Spent Easter in Boston with my brother, his wife and her family and got to eat ALOT of good food. Last week I went to Indianapolis for my Fraternity meeting and was reelected as National President, this will be my last term in this position so I can pursue other avenues within the fraternity.

Well hopefully I will be blogging more on a regular basis but will not bore people with my mundane life.
