Sunday, April 22, 2007

Reports of My Death....

So it has been about 2 months since my last posting and some might think after the last post that I had dropped dead, sorry but I am still here. I know some of you are probably disappointed but oh well.

Not much has been going on here that has been deemed blog worthy.

In March I went up to Lake George to see a friend race his '69 Corvair in the Ice Races they have up there on the frozen was cold and pretty interesting to be standing out on a frozen lake watching cars race.

After my first experience with the chest pains I had a few reoccurrances and eventually had to see a cardilologist and have a stress test. It has been 2 weeks since the stress test and have yet to hear back from the doctor so I doubt I am going to be dropping dead anytime soon.

I have still been going to the gym twice a day and have been doing the spinning clsses in the morning and evening. So basically I am up around 4:15 and at the gym by 5 since the class is very popular and there are only 20 some bikes availible.

Spent Easter in Boston with my brother, his wife and her family and got to eat ALOT of good food. Last week I went to Indianapolis for my Fraternity meeting and was reelected as National President, this will be my last term in this position so I can pursue other avenues within the fraternity.

Well hopefully I will be blogging more on a regular basis but will not bore people with my mundane life.



sarah cool said...

YAY! Go ahead and bore us - that's what blogs are for! It may be boring to you, but not to your faithful readers!

Anonymous said...

Ok wait.... First.. you watched car drive on Ice... that is cool... But 2nd... you were in Boston and didn't call me? I am hurt... i am going to go cry... cry myself to sleep on my Huge pillow for my huge head!!!