Monday, August 07, 2006

I Feel Off...

Been feeling off the past few days.

Probably due to finding out that my grandfather was in the hospital with 2 broken lumbar vertabrae. He was riding his 4-wheeler and a dog got loose and knocked him off the ATV. He seems to be doing alright and I have talked to him on the phone a few times but I wish I was home to help take some of the stress off of mom.

Last night and today didn't help. Last night after I was finished reading I got up and went in to the bathroom and as I was finishing up I started to get dizzy and even though I told myself to be a man and fight it the next thing I remembered was my head hurting in two places and I was laying in the floor with my head on the side of the toliet bowl. After checking for blood and making sure I was not seriously hurt I somehow made it back to bed and the next thing I remember is waking up 5 minutes before my alarm went off at 6:15 am. I had to get up early because I am taking a Microsoft Access class for work today and tomorrow. When I got home this afternoon I think a mixture of the heat and the Double Whopper I had for lunch (not a big fast food person but I forgot to grab my lunch this morning) and the throbbing in my head just weren't mixing well. So I laid around and watched Dilbert on my laptop.

I think it is just stress...trying to find a church in the area(plan to elaborate on in a post soon), trying to find a group of people to interact with, worrying about stupid gas prices going up, the Red Sox tanking, and everything else is just piling on to the other more important stresses that I have.

oh well I guess I am still alive.



Anonymous said...

Yea... I feel the same way... it is definately the tanking Red Sox...

Duke and I are planning on coming up and crashing sometime soon... Duke just need to look as his calendar and make sure that there isn't any important Catholic celebrations coming up...

Crazy... Catholics!

Shawn said...

Chad, it's not normal to faint and hit your head on the crapper (unless your totally blitzed). Fatigue and dehydration can make you dizzy, or if you got up too quickly. If this persists don't be a tough guy, go see a Dr.