Saturday, March 01, 2008

Can't think of a Snappy Title...Oh Well!!!

So I am so FREAKING glad February is over...

First ...the most eviliest(now a word) "holiday" happened (Valentine's day)
I spent the second week with the freaking glad to be breathing w/ both nostrils again
Spent the 2oth doing my what seems to be annual trip to the ER with a severe migraine. The EMT's came to the office and took me out on a stretcher and was in the ER till ~6:30 pm.

mmm drugs....

Let's just say it has been a big hit to my training and attempt to lose weight ...

I am in favor of global warming after the last big snow we had... driving home was a nerve racking experience on the 26th .... did a 270 slide but luckily did not hit anything or damage my car...

Did my taxes...getting $1200 federal back and a whopping $9 back from the great state of NY
add that to my upcoming tax rebate and State worker / PEF union increase/ cost of living increase and I can have a lot of singles..( strip club anyone??...I kidd!).

My landlord gave me her old dryer so all I have to do now is get the new venting duct to go down the friggin hole...

so those are the current highlights of my ever exciting life..


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